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tv   Headline News  RT  April 17, 2013 1:00pm-1:29pm EDT

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to act. divided and sliding into crisis venezuela's government and opposition blame each other for deadly post electoral violence with president nicolas maduro saying he's rivals are planning a coup we get live expert analysis on this shortly here in r.t. . do or die i protested guantanamo u.s. military officials admit to hunger strikers tried to commit suicide as part of a desperate act of defiance which has dragged on for over two months. two years and she is britain says farewell to the controversial and lady margaret thatcher a figure who continues to divide the nation even in death we get live comment from london seen here in r.t. i. screen around the world twenty four hours
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a day this is the live from moscow activists and families of palestinian detainees kept in israeli jails are running across the palestinian territories to mark prisoners day they're calling on the international community to intervene to release some inmates especially those on hunger strike audi's middle east correspondent paula has the latest did witness a large scale protests across the palestinian territories palestinian prisoner day is an annual commemoration and it marks the almost five thousand palestinian prisoners who are currently in israeli jails all that number of the five thousand some two hundred and fifteen are children now the day consolidate efforts to support palestinian prisoners in israeli jails and also support their right to freedom on wednesday some three thousand palestinian prisoners who used to be in the mills now this action coincides with a hunger strike by a palestinian president some you know it's only now he has been conducting and on.
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fast that has lasted more than two hundred and fifty days that has stoked weeks of protests and also street protests the palestinian government is calling on the european union to take immediate action concrete steps to secure his release at the same time at the beginning of april there was the death of a rather high profile palestinian prisoners being held in israeli jails of all him dear how he died from cancer but his death sparked a mass protest because palestinians claim that these ratings delayed bringing him treatment the palestinian minister of prisoners affairs says it is all is mistreating its detainees and preventing families of those palestinians who are currently in his way details from visiting them we carry a political message to the world reflecting the israeli government's inhumane dealing with prisoners we want to tell you israelis that it's an important national issue israel is mistreating its detainees and preventing families of those
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palestinians behind bars from visiting them they keep children in jails it's all inhumane and violates international law since nine hundred sixty seven around eight hundred thousand palestinians have been detained in israel at some point and the point needs to be made that hundreds of palestinians are held in israeli prisons without trial. venezuela's opposition leader has called off a protest march and blame the government for post-election violence that has left seven people dead the country's on the edge of political chaos after a total majority in sunday's presidential vote showed the nation is essentially split down the middle. is in caracas. opposition leader he basically said that he doesn't want to see any more violence and that he calls on just supporters to peacefully protest basically asking them to stay home and just banging pots and pans it was a very noisy evening tuesday night here in caracas who initially they had planned
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to hold a protest in front of the electoral council in the city center but needless model he had bound any protests to take place in downtown caracas stating security reasons and so because someone who has been blaming the opposition for the violence seven deaths as you mentioned earlier but the us is saying that any violence that has happened it's the government who is behind it so they've been exchanging accusations now despite the ban in the city center we've seen a real see reports that there are some people gathering in other parts of town to support herself. reports say that they are outside our gathering making happen in a press conference given by the two men on tuesday they really exchanged very strong words strong accusations little basically say that this is a plotting a coup and that it is backed by the united states everything that they are doing in another way of looking at it this perhaps is also trying to start to show himself you know he had run a campaign heavily based on who go chavis and there are some even of his supporters saying that we don't really know who he is and what he's capable of so these are
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one of the few steps that we're seeing that's coming from him accusing him already of being a story terry and now as far as money was concerned going on into this presidency we know that it's already starting off very weak with that small margin for the results of the elections he has to fill in the shoes of the good without the charisma of which obvious fix the problems of the people get the military the government and a very divided population in line. almost half the population in venezuela backed is seen as a rich kid looking to improve relations with the u.s. and many experts believe the media has been key to his success state t.v. controlled by the government has an audience of only around six percent the vast majority watch privately owned t.v. channels which generally support the opposition and that makes it hard for those loyal to the values of the late with chavez to maintain influence let's talk more about the political situation in venezuela with nicholas kozlov he's author of chavez oil politics and the challenges to the u.s. because before i ask you why he is back down on planning this rally i just want to
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ask you about the media aspect do you think the media really has been influencing viewers in terms of favoring the opposition. well you know historically the media is very very polarized in that as well you have child is exerting a lot of control over the state run media and. it's just been a media circus this is going on for years since two thousand and two when there was a attempted coup d'etat against chavez and then if you flip the dial and go from the opposition to it to the state media it's it's it's very very. vironment so it wouldn't surprise me that you know it's been receiving a lot of politicizing support from the opposition media because that says starkly
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the opposition media has just launched a scurrilous attacks against child is and his supporters and you know this is and i'm sure in the doura what's issue is the presidency will try to counteract that through the state media so it's kind of a media circus in the right well let's talk about what's happening now compromise he's canceled that planned running you see retreating from his fight to get a recount and if so why. well maybe he's had a realization that if you start calling people out on the streets that that can lead to real violence we've already seen six deaths since the recap this crisis of legitimacy emerged and i think if you're religious you really have to ask yourself well if you know if i call people out on the streets what is the tangible result of that and maybe he just realized that this could go back to two thousand and two kind of scenario where you have arches and. dura says it's
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a coup d'etat now. i think perhaps the sensationalizing that somewhat but it's not as if there's no historic precedent and time that you call people out on the street you get militant folks arching towards. the presidential palace demanding their rights that could potentially spiral out of control and so there's a fine line between calling protest in venezuela and then perhaps trying to destabilize the government but dora talking about that coup to tell you say really not that realistic but actually what about the presence that will be in front of the united states and what's happening there at the moment because he's pointing the finger of blame to the u.s. and is that justified. well if the united states was trying to destabilize things further in the wake of this election it wouldn't be any great surprise we know that in two thousand and two basically the united states recognize the. coup regime
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and. the support of the opposition in the run up to the like the first wild two or three day rich ousted child is from power and recently there was that we keep leaks cable that was disclosed from the ambassador charles shapiro basically say look we need to divide these this is how we're going to do it and so so by concretely you see in our cable the united states have been intervening in venezuela so i don't know whether and to what degree obama administration could be following similar patterns but certainly historically the united states is has been very interventionist nicholas thanks for that nicholas calls and if not an american expert and author of chavez oil politics and the challenges to the u.s. life here on r.t. . crowds turned out to san last goodbye to former prime minister margaret thatcher who's been laid to rest in london however alongside the thousands paying their last respects with protest as gathered for what they called maggie's good riddance party
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the news of factions death at the age of eighty seven last week was met with both mournful comment and cheerful celebration she's famous for winning the falklands conflict against argentina and helping and the cold war however a number of policies did not sit well with parts of the public including a standoff with coal mine is well let's discuss the fact shows how much i can see with pepe escobar he's not a real news network he's in london ok just briefly why do you think she divided people so much in the u.k. . well that's arisen was essentially about some sort of redistribution of wealth upwards of course and about exclusion i was talking to specified days with a lot of people from let's say not exactly privileged communities around the greater london and they all say the same thing she was there was
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a big three involved there was a lot of racism involved especially against the black population in great britain north of the england in fact you know catch her she wouldn't dare go through leeds a live aboard meal castle in fact she would be stoned to death during those years so it was devised reaganism and bachelor ism you was no liberal shock in spain the industrialized north and now we are reaping the benefits of all that all not only the u.s. and u.k. but in the rest of europe as well so this is the worst aspect britain needed of course some sort of stablish zation of of the system during the early eighty's all that but it was completely one sided you know this is the you know the worst legacy of facts or ism in fact and you are still what i was for you as an international figure from brazil especially after the falklands conflict how was she perceived in
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latin america just briefly. or what is that. going to. look at it's very hard even to start the discussion because even you it's not only argentina and the southern part of why so than brazil and all over latin america the new liberal shock that started with asher ism then via the i.m.f. spread all over latin america and he had already started don't forget with the very calls the friend pinochet in chile in one nine hundred seventy three so the fact that the actual number one she was very close to pinochet from the beginning number two she didn't touch a reason and the liberal hard core of the liberalism was imposed on latin america while she was in power as well the debt crisis increased the latin american doing she supported the commander room because you know at the time did come but it was invaded by vietnam she was totally supportive of the apartheid system in south
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africa she called all some of the terrorists so if you look globally that's arisen was a total disgrace as regarded by ninety percent of the world's population but i'm not talking only about britain here because thatcher is americanism was the reach was global but your there in london as an outsider what do you make of today's events though the that the funeral and indeed a lot of criticism about the amount of money spent on it ten million pounds what did you make of today as an outsider. look it was a state funeral in fact any in terms of pomp and circumstance not even when churchill was birdie nine hundred sixty five it wouldn't even get you know remotely close to what we saw today in terms of production values it was absolutely simply extraordinary impractical to the millimeter i would say but if you look at the audience and if you look at the british ruling class congratulating itself inside
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st paul's cathedral and outside of course was at the distinction between that and a sort of eerie silence in the streets i walked around the streets quite some time even after wards and even central london today was eerily silent it's something that you never see around leicester square and piccadilly around noon or one pm you know so it was devised if even in people where they were not exactly in mourning they were reflective but a lot of people were looking ok what now we were going to have a like david cameron said in fact we're all factual rights now are we going to be here in the u.k. tatchell rights for reverend pepe escobar analyst a real news network live in london thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. thank you all still to come here on a search for suspects u.s. authorities are still hunting for clues as to who might be behind the deadly boston marathon bombings examine the issues facing the country's domestic security.
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still to come russia's top opposition activists is facing a decade in prison for alleged embezzlement case he claims is politically motivated all the details on that story after a short break. with the. technology innovation. developments from around russia we've. covered.
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the international airport in the very heart of moscow. continues here in our team all prisoners in guantanamo bay have joined the hunger strike bringing the number to fifty two u.s. military officials have admitted to protesting that detainees have recently tried to commit suicide but they defended a prison guard raid on cells over the weekend saying it resulted in violent clashes with several inmates although now former senior politicians and members of the u.s.
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military have joined the chorus accusing officials of contributing to the spread of torture an independent american think tank has released a report pointing to abuse at guantanamo the constitution project it's called concluded it was beyond dispute that torture had been carried out or that the practice is damaged america's moral standing and its ability to criticize others also suggest u.s. personnel of actually being put at greater risk should they be taken captive and the panel concluded that the door remains open to more torture while no one is brought to account for what's all ready happened one of the critics former ambassador james jones says that most of my detainees are completely lost hope. you have the majority of these prisoners for whom our government has said there's no reason to hold them anymore we don't want them they're not there they're not accused of anything and yet they have not taken the actions that are necessary to
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remove these these prisoners from guantanamo and send them back to their home countries or to a neutral country where they will not be tortured force feeding under the circumstances we found is tantamount to torture what is inhumane is a treatment for some prisoners in solitary confinement for many many hours at a time sometimes many days the separation from other prisoners so that you don't have that social contact that that is a form of torture that should be stopped i think the biggest torture however for the majority of the prisoners in guantanamo is the lack of hope the fact that they thought that after they were judged. by our government as not necessary not terrorists not needed for information that they should be released and now their concern in many of these that are on the starvation diet many of these i understand
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just last hope they think they'll never be able to leave guantanamo and that's the reason for their action well for more on the situation in guantanamo let's talk to tenet colonel barry ween god he represents a couple of clients that and i understand has just returned from guantanamo. during your visit what did you see that in the camp tell us about the conditions. well i was in guantanamo bay last week from monday to friday and what i observed there was a situation that's getting dire i mean i've been going to guantanamo bay for five years and i've never seen it as bad as it is currently amongst the prisoners my client can dory had lost about one third of his body weight he now when he stands i can put my hands around his waist that's how much weight he has lost he now can't come to the visits he's made one of the three visits i visited him more than one hundred fifty times and in that hundred fifty times he's refused four times because
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of his medical illnesses and he's always sent a letter of an apology this time he was unable to attend two of the three meetings i'm here to tell you the situation in guantanamo bay is becoming a humanitarian catastrophe so all of these strike is them prepared to die and if so what would it chief. well let me tell you i can't speak for all of the prisoners and what they're thinking but i can tell you that there is a real sense of apathy that is said in here these men have been there for eleven and a half years ninety five percent of them ninety five percent of them have no allegations let alone have a trial an opportunity to defend themselves ninety five percent of them have nothing alive and a half years hundreds of enhanced interrogations they have no hope they have no future i think that what we need is some leadership here from washington we have the administration on one hand saying we want to close guantanamo bay but then in
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two thousand and ten saying that indefinite detention is the way forward we have congress saying it it doesn't matter if these people are innocent or guilty we want them to stay in guantanamo bay the rest of their lives now if you're a prisoner who has no opportunity to defend yourself what are you thinking what does the united states stand for to you what is the world thinking as they look at this situation it's utter despair and you're amid a tree attorney we've talked to a number of lawyers representing clients there but you coming from the military itself why isn't you will voice being heard while you achieving everything at this stage. well let me tell you i think one of the main reasons that you need an offshore prison is to be able to mold the message in the message that's coming from guantanamo bay is one of utter despair and i'm one of the few people that's able to travel to guantanamo bay and tell you the real situation i can tell you that my clients are in utter despair that the military commissions has shown that it can't produce a result that's of any note i mean an eleven and
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a half years of one time obey military commissions have produced seven total cases four of which have been overturned so that's three cases out of seven hundred seventy nine individuals who have been held at guantanamo bay over the last eleven and a half years now currently there are six individuals who are trying to get a case off the ground with but last week we found out that there are that our emails were given to the prosecutors we found out that you know our our our confidential communications with our clients have been confiscated the listening devices in the ceilings are what we thought to be smoke detectors or actually listening devices the judge in the military commission has his crew were enclosed without explanation i mean this is actually sort of it defies explanation what is going on here and no one seems to have an answer so as international law being broken here could somebody be held celt for this you were talking to the world about this we've had to human rights organizations we've had the red cross talking
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about as well could somebody be brought to account. well let me let me just say i mean to date nobody has been brought to account for the past eleven and a half years yesterday we found out that a bipartisan committee has concluded that torture in fact occurred we find out that you know going forward there is no hope for these men we find out that you know the administration just doesn't have any leadership do you want to close guantanamo bay do you want to keep it open does it matter that some in congress want to keep guantanamo bay open forever irrespective of if these individuals have actually committed a crime or not why can you do how can you do that if two americans were captured would we then argue that they was men can be held until our war on the physical emotion of terror ends would that be the u.s. position i think not and it's time to analyze the situation you're telling god live in washington thank you very much for your time here on r.t. . download the
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official application to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite film on t.v. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't sit well with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. investigators believe they may have identified a suspect in the boston marathon bombings according to u.s. media reports a video from a department store apparently shows a man putting a bag down and walking away exposes were putting pressure cookers and packed with nails ball bearings and other bits of metal ripped through competitors and spectators during the city's marathon i was just a chicken is in boston. the picture perfect city of boston brings back memories and fears that americans have not dealt with since september eleventh.
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it really hasn't hit me yet like i had i couldn't sleep last night i'm constantly like anxious nervous i can't focus on my studies because i'm a graduate student a block from where it happens like wow that is really the investigation is yet to determine whether the attack was carried out domestically or by a foreigner and whether or not individuals were behind this and even though officials say there's no longer an immediate threat security has been beefed up here in boston and throughout the united states the obama administration has already referred to what happened as a terror act but exactly what kind of consequences this will have for america's foreign and domestic policy remains to be seen a media frenzy surrounding the bombings the united states has not seen a similar act in years officials are saying the investigation is still very fluid with the majority of questions yet to be answered who and why was behind the attack
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and how secure really is the united states of today over the last decade the u.s. has pumped enormous resources into security and steps often criticized for breaching the rights of u.s. citizens and foreigners alike but what are the results and have all these efforts created anything more than an illusion of safety in. boston massachusetts. containing a poisonous substance and sent to president obama has reportedly been intercepted that's less than a day after police found a royston laced envelope addressed to a mississippi senator both appear to have been sent by the same person who had been at least three reports on suspicious packages on capitol hill it's not clear whether the incidents are connected to the boston marathon explosions. the trial of russia's top opposition activist alexina vallone has caused demonstrate to the to take to the streets as many as fifteen hundred people read it
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in support of the anti corruption blog of all these trial was adjourned for a week after a brief court session. the central russian city also became seen to demonstrations in support of and against the prominent opposition figure is accused of taking half a million dollars from the state from the company advised nearly four years ago the anti corruption blogger insists however that the case against him is politically motivated. well that brings up today for the moment with a new statement born half an hour from the people of l. in his coastal program debates the political legacy of margaret thatcher here on r.t. that's often the break. sigrid laboratory kirby was able to build
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